Each year during the Season of Lent, we are encouraged to make space in our lives to grow in our faith through prayer and study, and give towards those less fortunate than ourselves.
Here’s a guide to our Lent observances this year. Please do prayerfully consider how you might make the most of this Lenten season. We’d love to encourage you to take one or more of these opportunities to be renewed in your faith, and re-focused on the things in life that matter most.
Evening Prayer – Online
Join us on Zoom for a short 15 minute service of Evening Prayer each weekday during Lent, led each day by a different member of our Ministry Team. Join us every day if you can, or for a regular day each week, or just if and when you can. Beginning Monday 19th February, until the Wednesday Holy Week (27th March).
- Each Monday to Friday during Lent
- 4.30pm
- Via Zoom – fill out the online form here to be sent the link.
Lent Study – Dangerous Stories
The Bible shows us again and again that God is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. People on the margins. But too often, when we read scripture in our churches, we focus on other aspects of the story, or we are so familiar with the text that we don’t notice the challenging things it has to say to us.
Dangerous Stories: Scripture from the Margins is a weekly series of Lent studies, from the organisation Church Action on Poverty, that will encourage us to focus on voices and perspectives in scripture that we don’t usually hear. Each week’s session will be led by a different member of our Ministry Team, and all from across our Ministry Area churches are invited to join for as many of the studies as you can.
- Each Tuesday in Lent
- 7.00pm to 8.30pm
- St Dyfrig’s Llanrumney, Church Hall
Week-by-week Programme
- Tuesday 20th February: Jesus the Good Shepherd
- Tuesday 27th February: The Lost Things
- Tuesday 5th March: The Prodigal and His Brother
- Tuesday 12th March: Lazarus and the Rich Man
- Tuesday 19th March: The Workers in the Vineyard
Download the full course materials here.
Quiet Day – our Daily Bread
Whenever we say The Lord’s Prayer, we pray ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ But what is the daily bread of the Christian life? And how might the wisdom and disciplines of the monastic life help to sustain and guide us, through times both good and difficult?
Join us for a morning’s retreat, led by the Revd James Henley, in which we’ll explore simple rhythms of justice, compassion and faith, which have the power to transform our everyday lives.
- Saturday 9th March
- 9.30am to 1.00pm (finishing with the option of lunch at the Ty’r Winch)
- St Mellons Church
Limited places available. To reserve your place, please book online, or ring the Ministry Area office.
Confirmation Preparation for young people
We will be holding a Confirmation Preparation Group for young people in Year 5 and older. Sessions will take place on Thursdays after-school from 22nd February onwards at St Teilo’s High School. Depending on the number of participants, we’re planning to hold a confirmation service (or services) later in the year.
Parents/carers – if your young person is interested, please let us know by calling or emailing the Ministry Area office.
Lent Appeal
Lent is also traditionally a time for giving alms to charity. This year the Diocesan Lent Appeal will go towards social responsibility and community projects in our Link Diocese of the Highveld, South Africa. Some of the projects they support include:
- Home Based Care projects
- Early Childhood Development Centres
- Homes for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
- Safe Parks
- Feeding Schemes
- Child Care Advocates
You can support our Lent Appeal by:
- Placing a cash donation into an envelope clearly marked ‘Lent Appeal’, and putting it on the collection plate at your local church.
- Taking part in one of our Lent lunches and other fundraising activities.
- Clicking here to donate online by card/direct debit.