Same-sex Partnerships

Same-sex Partnerships

Sadly, it remains the case that it is not legally possible for same-sex couples to marry in the Church in Wales. At East Cardiff Ministry Area, we wish this were not the case, and some of us are actively working to bring the changes necessary to enable this to happen.

However, we are pleased to be able to offer a Service of Blessing for same-sex couples who have either entered into a marriage or a civil partnership together.

In the service, you will have the opportunity to renew your commitment to one another before God and the Church, have your rings blessed if you would like, and receive God’s blessing on your relationship.

May the infinite and glorious Trinity strengthen the covenant between you, and so bind your lives together in love, that you may be a blessing to each other and a visible sign of God’s loving purposes for all his children.

From the Church in Wales service for the blessing of same-sex couples.

How much would a service of blessing cost?

At the moment, our fees for a service of blessing are around £750 to £800, which includes providing the minister, vergers and music.

In addition, at some of our churches we can also provide bellringing before and after the service and/or bespoke flower arrangements for an additional cost. Please chat to us if you’d like to explore these options. Also, if you are having your service filmed professionally, be aware that there is an additional licensing fee payable to the church.

However, we would never want the cost to prevent you from being able to have a service of blessing in one of our churches. In the case of genuine financial hardship, please do get in touch and a member of our clergy team will arrange to chat to you confidentially about your circumstances.

Next steps

If you would like to explore the possibility of arranging a blessing service, just get in touch using the details at the bottom of this page. We are always very happy to answer any questions or queries, and/or arrange a visit for you to see our churches for yourself before you make a decision about your special day.

When you are ready to make an application, you will need to complete our online form. Once you’ve submitted your application, we will be in touch to confirm your date and begin planning your big day with you.