Set aside time to pray and prepare…
Advent is a season of waiting during the four weeks in the lead up to Christmas. During this season, we reflect on the contrasting themes of light in darkness, hope in despair, and joy in sorrow. And we look ahead in prayerful expectation to the coming of the light of Christ.
Here are some special opportunities to pray and prepare your heart, during this season of preparation:
Advent Carols & Procession by Candlelight
Wherever you usually worship across our Ministry Area, we’d love to welcome you to a special Advent Carol Service in Rumney on the First Sunday of Advent. Join us for an atmospheric service of readings, choral music and Advent carols, followed by refreshments.
Sunday 27th November, 6.30pm
St Augustine’s Rumney
Compline Services
Join us over the next few weeks for three candlelit night prayer services, with a little extra music and reflection, followed by tea, coffee, mince pies and biscuits.
Tuesday 29th November, 7.00pm
St Dyfrig’s Llanrumney
Tuesday 6th December, 7.00pm
St Edeyrn’s
Tuesday 13th December, 7.00pm
St Mellons
Quiet Morning
Join Frs Andrew and Colin for a quiet morning, looking at the true meaning of Christmas by: reflecting on the scriptures, prayer material, art posters and music.
Saturday 3rd December, 10.00am to 12.30pm
St Augustine’s Rumney
Beginning with refreshments from 10.00am to 10.30am, and concluding with a simple said Eucharist around midday.